Thursday, November 11, 2010

Life reflecting art

Does art reflect life or life reflect art?  That is an old question.  As a teacher, I have seen countless students over the years imitating characters they see in movies and on tv.  As an adult, I see increasing amounts of young adults imitating the characters they see in adult shows, be it Desperate Housewives or Grey's Anatomy, etc.  Sometimes, I think the answer to this question is a no brainer.  Sometimes I think humans are no brainers!

But then there is Remembrance Day.  I am reminded of all those brave young men and women who volunteered to go and fight to liberate those countries in Europe during WWI, WWII, Korea, and then I think about our service people today in Afghanistan.  They are the real heroes.  They understand sacrifice.  Perhaps life should imitate life. 


  1. i dont think young adults shood be watching adult shws or movies that could be bad for their brain. It can make them think bad thing or do bad things.

  2. matthew
    I can't beleve that some people get useles habits from tv. I know a lot of people who use selebertiys

  3. as role modeles
    sorry I forgot to add this on

  4. Andrew, I do enjoy reading your inspiring words! As my dear olde friend Rory says, "all in good time, all in good time."

    I'm waiting for some more posts.

