Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bridge to Terabithia chapter 3

Did you love the way Lesile Burke walks into the Lark Creek Elementary School like a breath of fresh air?

She's probably going to make a lot of the girls (and boys) uncomfortable, but I like her courage to be herself.  Does anyone have any connections that they can make to her?


  1. I like the expression about the radiator cap beacause my dad's car's radiator was pierced by a ptarmagin

  2. I think she will anoy everyone exept jess

  3. he was stuck in yellowknife

  4. she sounds like a hippie

  5. Braden says:she a lot differnt then everybody else.

  6. Yes, she is her own person. Independent, strong, sensible and creative. She is probably what Jesse needs for a friend. I think she will bring out the best in him. As an adult, I sometimes wish more of my friends were like her. It's okay to live your live counter to the popular culture which surrounds us.
