Monday, September 27, 2010

Bridge Integrity

I've been thinking a lot about integrity these days.  You know, like when you drive across the Confederation Bridge from New Brunswick to PEI you expect the bridge will hold you up and not collapse.  Or, like when a baby is born, you expect a parent to do what ever it takes to creating a loving and healthy atmosphere for it.  I expect the rope, which Jesse and Leslie use to cross the gully into Terabithia not to collapse.  I also expect my students to not watch the movie version of this novel until we've finished reading the novel - as I have instructed several times.  Have integrity and you will find your life to have much more meaning - just like Jesse is beginning to discover now that he has found a true friend.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bridge to Terabithia chapter 3

Did you love the way Lesile Burke walks into the Lark Creek Elementary School like a breath of fresh air?

She's probably going to make a lot of the girls (and boys) uncomfortable, but I like her courage to be herself.  Does anyone have any connections that they can make to her?